Latest Blog Post
TLDR: Great game 9/10
TLDR - I rode from Sydney to Tamworth ~500K for a mate's wedding (CB Atkinson). It took 3 days and was much harder than expected!
Running at the biggest triathlon in the world for a good cause with HeartKids
About me and this site

I have a lot of hobbies and this is a new one: blogging things I’m interested in, trying to be more creative and sharing my many learnings with my friends, family and anyone else willing to read. The main areas I’m planning on covering are:
1. My Life: Track and gain clarity into my own way of life, and;
2. Life Advice: Share my life philosophy with you with the aim to inspire

You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do – Carl Jung

Upcoming Events
1 | Date | Event | Event Type | Location | Days to go |
2 | Saturday, April 26, 2025 | Rock 'n' Roll - Nashville | Marathon | Tenessee, USA | 42 |
3 | Saturday, June 14, 2025 | Lowells Loop | Last Man Standing | Oregon, USA | 91 |
4 | Saturday, July 12, 2025 | Beaverhead 100k | Trail Race (100K) | Idaho, USA | 119 |
5 | Saturday, October 25, 2025 | Chicago Marathon | Marathon | Chicago, MI | 224 |
6 | Saturday, April 25, 2026 | Ultra Trail Mount Fuji (TBC) | Trail Race (100M) | Fuji, Japan | 406 |
7 | Saturday, July 11, 2026 | Western States 100 (TBC) | Trail Race (100M) | CA, USA | 483 |
8 | Saturday, July 11, 2026 | Hardrock 100 (TBC) | Trail Race (100M) | CO, USA | 483 |
9 | Sunday, August 22, 2027 | UTMB (TBC) | Trail Race (100M) | Chamonix, France | 890 |
Recent blog posts
It's my first year of proper race planning. I've got some big running goals I want to achieve in next few years (UTMB / UTMF / Western Mac / etc). I need to ensure I am properly prepared and ready to qualify for some of these events to meet the entry requirements.
Wrapping Up the COVID Years 2020 & 2021
Recapping the last 2 years living with COVID19. Make the most of it when you can.
Follow my bicycle touring adventure as I cycling through Japan over 5 months in 2018 coving +7,000kms and climbing the equivalent of Everest 12 times.
Learning Piano – My Story
TLDR: Piano is bloody difficult. It’s okay to ‘give up’ on goals if your reasons are strong enough or you’re not enjoying something as much as you had initially thought. The most important thing is to reevaluate and put that time into something else productive.