From Vegemite to Venti: From Sydney to Seattle: The Beginning of my Expat Life
TLDR: It’s Feb 2024 and I’m moving to the United States to become an Expat!
G’day from Seattle to all my mates back home in Australia. Today, I’m not just sharing a travel story, I’m living it. That’s right, I’ve officially taken the plunge and swapped Vegemite for Venti, crocs for gators, XL to XXXXL. As of 26 Feb 2024, Kelli and I have moved to Seattle, Washington to begin our expat lives.
So why the big move, you ask? The truth is, it wasn’t one specific reason, but a whole heap of them! A part of me has always craved new experiences, and let’s face it, Australia is fantastic, but there’s a whole other world out there to explore. It’s all largely linked to my other recent post Making the Most of Now.
This was actually one of my longest plans to come to fruition. I can still recall clearly when I was still working at Woolworths and went for a walk around the block with a mate/colleague and I realised that I wanted to try something, not just an industry, but a culture, a society and way of thinking. I wanted to be working somewhere ‘cool’. I wanted to see what it’s like working at a ‘hip’ place. I want to see what running and other adventures are out there.
How did I make it happen?
So from that day of roughly 2.5 years ago, I hatched a plan and started to make it happen. First, I had to figure out what I wanted and why; cool companies, trail running, big national parks and a way to make it happen fast. United States – boom. Yosemites, Google, Amazon, but making it happen fast wasn’t an option…. Long story short, working rights are tough to get, so I had to go the long way around and find a job at an Multinational company operating in Australia and pray that they give me an international transfer. I’m not really the religious type, so I found an opportunity at Amazon AU and made sure I performed and did what I could to get the transfer. Skip forward 2.5 years, to Feb 2024.
Moving to Seattle, WA, United States
Pros and Cons thus far
Sydney / Australia Pros
Seattle / United States Pros
- Home of the NRL
- Things Feel Cheaper: No Tipping and tax included in prices make buying things and eating out very simple.
- Culture and Society feels more environmentally aware (although still have a long way to go)
- Feels safer
- There’s just more of everything. Food, people, portions and destinations to explore
- People are very into everything: Sports, politics, pop-culture, you name it
- There a way to make a lot of money over here, I just haven’t found it yet…
Adventure is Out There!
My ever-growing travel map of the US and beyond. Come say ‘Hi’!