Find the Link below – note you will have to make a copy if you click the 2nd button. I would also strongly recommend using a real computer and not a phone (just like for all things worth doing).
All the best with your investment endeavours and reach out if you have any questions.
Future Posts
I plan to cover more areas in this area such as Cryptocurrencies, Trading Cards and Other Investments so watch this space. Below is my favourite tennis player and collector coin which is actually quite a lucrative investment!
Yes, your broker website like CBA will track your performance very well. However, the things it won’t do well it remind you
You will need to ensure your portfolio is updated from your Broker Site (e.g Commsec)
Each time you make a purchase or sell, update the appropriate columns (the first few until you hit ‘Cost’)
Personal Input will need to be manually input (unless you use the full template – releasing in coming days)
Google Prices and statistics will update automatically when the market is open and every 10 or so minutes
If you are unfamiliar with Google Sheets – BECOME FAMILIAR WITH GOOGLE SHEETS!
The next and FINAL piece of this series will be bringing it all together with, you guessed it – A Google Sheet Template – Full Starter Template And Review